Embedded Signing with Template


This page demonstrates creating an embedded signing session using data submitted from the user.

  1. The user fills in the form below. On clicking Submit, the form data is POST'ed (via an AJAX request) to the server.
  2. The server receives the POST request, and uses the submitted data to create a new Bundle for embedded signing, using the BlueInk API JS Client Library.
  3. The server returns the embedded signing URL.
  4. The BlueInk Example uses the embedded signing URL to create a new embedded signing session.

You can find a fuller breakdown, with code samples, below.

Signing Data

Enter data that will be used to pre-fill the document for this demo. If you provide an email, the completed document will be emailed to you. Data you enter is not used for any other purpose.

After clicking submit, the embedded signing iFrame will show to the right.

Embedded signing iFrame will be placed here